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Giacomini awarded with the Silk Road Prize by China-Italy Foundation

Giacomini Via della Seta


The China-Italy Foundation awarded Giacomini with a prestigious prize for the constant and successful activity in China in the last 10 years and more. 

The 10th edition of the China Awards event was held in the “Leonardo da Vinci” Science and Technology Museum in Milan, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development, The Italy China Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Environment, with the sponsorship of DHL, Intesa San Paolo and Italy-China Cooperation Culture Development Company Ltd.

During the night many businesses operating in China, selected according to their successful business cases, had the chance to get the recognition and appraisal of the Italian and foreign business community.

It’s the third time Giacomini wins a prize in the China Awards, and we are all very proud to be recognized as one of the most successful Italian businesses in China.

The event was attended by many great personalities in the Italy-China relationship, such as: the President of the China-Italy Foundation, Cesare Romiti; the CEO and Vice President of Class Editori, Paolo Panerai; the Italian Ambassador in China, Ettore Sequi; the Chinese General Consul in Italy, Wang Dong and the Vice President of Lombardia Region, Fabrizio Sala.

Giacomini, premiata per la terza volta ai China Awards, si è aggiudicata il prestigioso riconoscimento “Via della seta” per l’attività imprenditoriale condotta con successo in Cina con oltre dieci anni di attività.

Alla serata hanno partecipato tra gli altri: Cesare Romiti, Presidente della Fondazione Italia Cina, Paolo Panerai, Vice Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Class Editori, Ettore Sequi, Ambasciatore d’Italia in Cina, Wang Dong, Console Generale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese e Fabrizio Sala, Vicepresidente della Regione Lombardia.